Get your approved California Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Training Online for $25.
This BBP course is for CA tattoo artists, body piercers and permanent makeup artists who work outside of Los Angeles County and meets the training requirements of Cal/OSHA and the Safe Body Art Act.
Once you finish the course, you can instantly download your bloodborne pathogen training certificate.
Toma este curso si eres un profesional de body art que trabaja en el condado de Los Ángeles. Este curso cumple con los requisitos del Programa de body art del condado de Los Ángeles para la capacitación sobre patógenos transmitidos por la sangre. También cumple con el Código de regulaciones de California (California Code of Regulations) título 8, sec. 5193 y con la Ley de Arte corporal seguro (Safe Body Art Act) de California.
Después de finalizar con éxito este curso, podrás imprimir un certificado de finalización. Lee Mas>>
Chọn khóa học này nếu bạn là một chuyên viên body art trong tiểu bang California nhưng hành nghề ngoài Quận Los Angeles. Đào tạo này tuân thủ theo hướng dẫn hiện hành về đào tạo tác nhân gây bệnh lây truyền qua đường máu theo Quy định của Liên bang (CFR) 29 1910.1030, CCR Điều 8 Mục 5193, và Đạo luật An Toàn Nghệ Thuật Cơ Thể (Safe Body Art Act).
Sau khi hoàn thành xuất sắc khóa học này, bạn có thể in chứng nhận hoàn thành khóa học. Đọc thêm>>
Each year thousands of CA body art practitioners take our online bloodborne pathogens courses.
Body Art Professionals prefer our BBP courses because we:
- explain complex regulations clearly
- show how to achieve and maintain high standards of practice
- use well-established E-Learning principles to make our bloodborne pathogen training interesting and useful
Our OSHA-authorized trainers are here to help you.
Have a question or need technical assistance? We love helping our students.
Call us at (858) 792-1630.
We answer our phone 7 days a week from 6 AM to 9 PM PST.
What body art practitioners have to say about getting their California bloodborne pathogens certificate with us:

Get your California bloodborne pathogens training certificate today.
Our OSHA-compliant course is accepted by local enforcement agencies throughout California for annual bloodborne pathogens training for California body art practitioners who perform tattooing, body piercing, branding, and permanent makeup such as microblading.
If you work in Los Angeles County, take our Los Angeles Bloodborne Pathogens course. This course meets the LA county requirement for online student identity verification.
Our BBP training is well worth your time.
If you’re just beginning your career, this class is a must. Learn how to protect your clients, loved ones, and yourself from workplace infections.
If you're an experienced body art professional, you know that being attentive to safety policies and procedures is crucial. Take this class to evaluate how your current practices align with the standards established by the Safe Body Art Act.
Take the Stress-Free Path to Get Your Body Art Registration in California.
We make everything easy:
the bloodborne pathogens training is interactive, illustrated, and fully narrated
you can start and stop the online course at your convenience
use your desktop, laptop, tablet or phone
take the BBP certification in English, Spanish or Vietnamese
you have unlimited retakes on the final exam
Our BBP class includes downloadable resources.
Use these resources to help you comply with the Safe Body Art Act:
take-away notes
set-up and tear-down procedures
safety data sheet training
hepatitis B declination form
procedures for donning and removing gloves
emergency envelope instructions
client health questionnaire and informed consent form

Download Your Bloodborne Pathogens Certificate On-Demand
As soon as you complete the final exam, you can immediately download or print out your BBP certificate to be included with your body art practitioner registration paperwork.
If you misplace your certificate, it's always available in your Body Art Training Group account. Artists who travel to work out of town love this feature and appreciate never being caught without proof of their valid BBP training.
Bloodborne Training Certificate Verification Tool
If asked by a health inspector or customer, you can use our Certificate Verfication Tool to quickly confirm its validity.
Many students also display their bloodborne pathogens training certificate on their website, along with the verification link, to reassure potential clients of their professional training and commitment to safe practices.
Everything you need to stay safe when practicing body art.
This course covers all the bloodborne pathogens training topics required by the Safe Body Art Act and Cal/OSHA such as:
- epidemiology and symptoms of diseases
- modes of transmission
- exposure control plan
- exposure determination
- various methods of exposure control
- universal and standard precautions
- engineering and work practice controls
- decontamination and disposal
- personal protective equipment
- housekeeping
- hepatitis B vaccination
- procedures to follow in the event of an exposure incident
- post-exposure evaluation and follow-up
- hazard signs and warning labels
- recordkeeping
FAQs about California bloodborne pathogens training certification for tattoo artists and other body art practitioners.
Who needs to get a California tattoo license?
Tattoo licenses aren't issued in California.
Instead, California tattoo artists, body piercers, permanent cosmetics artists, microbladers, and branding artists must register as body art practitioners with their local enforcement agency.
According to the Safe Body Art Act, any individual who performs body art on a person must be a registered practitioner even if no money is exchanged or the body art occurs as part of a training course.
If you work anywhere in California, except Los Angeles County take this course. If you work inside Los Angeles County, take our Los Angeles specific BBP course.
What are the bloodborne pathogens training requirements for body art practitioners in California?
Califonia body art practitioners must take bloodborne pathogens training that meets the requirements of the Safe Body Art Act.
BBP training for body art practitioners must:
- be given by a person knowledgeable in exposure control and infection prevention in the body art setting and who is approved by the local enforcement agency
- not less than two hours of instruction in required topics
- specific to the performance of body art
- renewed annually
Besides body art practitioners, does anyone else in a CA body art shop need to take bloodborne pathogens training?
In addition to body art practitioners, any person in a body art studio who has occupational exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials must also take BBP training.
This requirement, for example, would apply to any staff member who has duties in a decontamination and sterilization area or a procedure area.
Which California BBP certification should I take?
If you work in California outside of Los Angeles County, you are on the correct page and should take this course, "Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Training - California".
If you work in Los Angeles County, you should take "Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Training - Los Angeles".
If you work in Los Angeles and in other California counties, take "Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Training - Los Angeles". All California counties accept our Los Angeles course. The only difference is that Los Angeles requires ID verification.
Who enforces the bloodborne pathogens training requirement for California body art practitioners?
Local enforcement agencies are responsible for enforcing the Safe Body Art Act requirement that tattoo artists, permanent cosmetics artists, microblading artists, piercers, and branding artists take annual bloodborne pathogens training.
The Safe Body Art Act defines "Local Enforcement Agency" as the local health agency of the county, city, or city and county. In jurisdictions where the local health agency and the environmental health agency are separate departments, the jurisdiction specifies which entity will be the local enforcement agency.
Which Local Enforcement Agencies in California approve or accept bloodborne pathogens training certificates issued by Body Art Training Group?
BBP certificates issued by Body Art Training Group are approved or accepted by all California local enforcement agencies.
California local enforcement agencies that have named Body Art Training Group an Approved Bloodborne Pathogens Training Provider:
California local enforcement agencies that accept Body Art Training Group's Bloodborne Pathogens training certificates:
Are you a tattoo artist based in California looking to do shows or work as a guest artist in Los Angeles or out of state?
Numerous states mandate additional bloodborne pathogens training before permitting work within their borders.
We provide body art specific online Bloodborne Pathogens courses tailored to specific locations, approved for:
Additionally, we offer a:
OSHA Compliant National Bloodborne Pathogen Course
Similar to all our bloodborne pathogens classes, our National Course adheres to OSHA standards. It equips tattoo artists and other body art professionals with the knowledge to integrate OSHA's Bloodborne Pathogen Standard into their daily client interactions.